Thursday, August 6, 2009

Field of dreams

Aug 06 - Field of dreams, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

This long field paralleled the dirt road for a little bit. There were two or three entrances to it along the way, but they were blocked off. I found one that was open, it was most likely open due to a recent mowing. About a hundred feet behind the strom was a very large fox who decided I wasn't anything he wanted to mess with. By the time I got off the bike, he was gone. He looked like a larger version of my dog. This dirt road continued on for about a 1/2 mile. I kept riding on back roads until I found another long dirt road that was cool, but just not as interesting as this one. The most interesting part was that it ran along the back side of a nudist colony. There were no nudists out, it sets way back, I just happened to notice the location on the GPS. To tell you the truth, I'd not be too interested in any nudists even if they happened into the road. With the bugs as bad as they are, I wouldn't want to see their effect on unprotected skin. My short summer is coming to a close here, tomorrow night is the last night before our vacation next week (Saturday to following Sunday). I can't imagine the weather will hold and be nearly as awesome as it has this past week. When we get back, I imagine it is back to the grind of 'normal' commutes.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Knight's Rest

Aug 05 - A Knight's Rest, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Though I heard the temps soared into the high 80's during the day, by the time I got out of work, it was absolutely beautiful out. I set out for the 'lesser' roads this evening and had simply the best time. I love this photo. The only thing missing is Shrek in the background and donkey beside my bike trying to schmooze it (and perhaps a busty serving wench or two). I parked the bike inside the castle gate and walked around. It was a great stop.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Moment of rest

Aug 04 - Moment of rest, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

I went all over the place this evening. After getting stuck in traffic heading out 101 (they are repaving in the evenings and people must be getting antsy 30 minutes before they start), I vowed to take 43 North to Route 4 then onto Route 202. I got sidetracked on 107 which was a great little jaunt and got back on track taking 202 out towards Rochester, but following 9 back into Dover. Most of the ride was under the cover of trees, with only a few fields. This cemetery is in Barrington on Route 9, only about a mile from the 125 Junction (Calef's Corner). I tried to capture some of the colors in the sky, but the darker Strom kept mucking with the exposure. I wound up blowing out the skies and then tweaking them with a splash of color in Lightroom. I realize I appear to be hung up on "Bike Shots" lately, I have been riding pretty much every day since March, it's that the weather has finally changed and riding has become more of a 'Zen' thing now. I find myself spending hours on the bike each day just riding around on my way to work and back. By the time I arrive home, I vaguely remember that I am even employed. It is amazing how truly short our summers are. Next week we go on vacation and then after that we start getting the kids ready to go back to school.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Just another V-Strom Sunset

I got out of work a little late (the week before a vacation, I never get out when I'd like to) and took a shortened commute home (shortened as it was only 47 miles versus the 100 that I'd wanted to do). It was a reversal of my route into work. There is this stretch on Route 9 in NH, just across the Dover line where the road bisects some ponds (which were absolutely packed with people, though it is hard to tell from this shot). I was actually heading the other direction & did a U-Turn to face into the sunset (the little boys walking up on the right were absolutely flabbergasted at a 'biker man' so close) for this shot. One of the benefits of summer is that I am using the stock windshield which means less fly-encrusted obstruction from a shot like this. I did try to pick up some of the clouds behind me in the left hand side view mirror, it kind of worked. I'm also keeping an eye in my mirrors as I am not supposed to be stopped on this section of road (the speed limit is 50 and facing into the sun, I am but a little speck on a cellphone-distracted drivers field of view).

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer Look

Jul 28 - Summer Look, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Woo hoo! Summer is now here. Temps were in the high 80's for the ride home, time to put the Stock Screen on the Strom. There is a bit of a reflection of me in there as well.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Guiding Light

Jul 27 - Guiding Light, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

I love I was tracking two very large cells this evening just before leaving work. Had I left and gone the more direct route home, I would have ridden through the worst of it. Instead, I noticed that I could head a little Southwest, then North & ride around the storm. It was worth a try. There was light rain when I left work, it all but stopped as I turned the corner to the airfield (about a mile away). I pulled over to snap a few photos and change out of my rain gloves. The rest of the ride was uneventful and beautiful. I could see where the cells never hit as I rode through miles of dryness, then I could see where they had just passed through as I rode through moist steamy patches of road. The temperature had cooled significantly so I kept riding North & snaked back a couple of towns further than I'd planned. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny, I intend to head out early and have an extended commute in ;-)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Life's Little Surprises

So yesterday I am all happy about working on my bike. Big plans on finishing it up this morning, perhaps get a ride or two in today. I load the wheel with the tire that needed the beads to be set up into the back of the Tahoe and took off for The Home Depot. I figured if I wimped out on buying a compressor, I'd swing by a gas station and seat the beads for $1 in quarters. I had two frost free faucet heads to return from a project last week, I'm walking across the parking lot of The Home Depot, when the next thing I know I feel the sharp pain of my left ankle beginning to turn. By pure instinct, I go down immediately and I go down hard. The faucet heads go flying, one part shatters on the pavement (cheap fricken plastic). I didn't go down fast enough and my left ankle is shooting with pain, it takes about 3 seconds for me to realize that my plans for the weekend are pretty much F&$@#ed. Two very good Samaritans rush over to help, one is a nurse who very much wants tme to go to the local Hospital. I'm pretty pissed at myself, I've down this before, I know what I need to do. They help me back to my Tahoe which is pretty far away. On the drive back, I phone my kids (my wife is out of town today at a conference, this thing always seems to happen when she is gone ;-) The kids have the crutches, an ice pack, and the couch all prepped by the time I pull up into the driveway. 1600 mgs of Ibuprofen, two ice packs, and three movies later, I'm hobbling over to the computer to get a photo for today's PaD. For those of you who read this and ride, you know what my biggest concern is, this is my left foot, my shifting foot. I can actually ride with a right foot at 50% since the right foot controls the rear brake and it is the front brake that gives you all your stopping power. We'll see how things look and feel tomorrow. I still have a bike to put back together (the front tire still hasn't been set yet).

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Tire

Jul 16 - New Tire, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Yes, another "New Tire" photo. I have been waiting on this little nugget (the new Conti Trail Attack on the right) to arrive this week for installation either tomorrow afternoon or Saturday morning. I also have a new set of All Balls front wheel bearings and a complete set of brake pads for the front brakes. To top it off, I am going to balance it with dynabeads instead of lead weights. Looking at this photo, the old tire on the left doesn't look that bad, but it has worn a little past the wear bars in most places. I ride in rain and need that tread. I can't wait to try out the Conti's the tread pattern is so different. For the next 3k miles or so I will have a mismatched set with the Conti Trail Attack up front and my replacement Trailwing on the rear. I plan to replace the rear with a Conti Trail Attack when the time comes, most likely next month or so.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Call me hardcore

Jul 13 - Call me hardcore, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Yet another one of those "Odd things on a bike" kind of shots. I am going golfing tomorrow evening after two season "break" from "After work golf". I'm not willing to drive in, so I was testing out the concept of strapping the golf bag to the bike. It works fine. It doesn't extend much further over my tiny Givi E21 side cases (the black box with the scuffs all over it). The weird thing on top of the seat is a cheap bead thing I picked up at WalMart as a test for fixing the seat comfort level. While it seems more comfortable, I am sliding all around in my riding pants. The jury is still out on that thing.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dinner Ride

Jul 12 (21/52) - Dinner Ride, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Well, it was more than a Dinner Ride. We left for the University of New Hampshire (My Wife & I) to find the Hall that our oldest will be going to for the next two weeks. She is in an upper class Writer's Academy. They had a class for new High School Freshmen, but her teacher put in a good recommendation and got her into the upper class program. I will be dropping her off in the mornings on the bike and my wife will be picking her up. After finding the building, we had to ride around for my wife to get her bearings, then I took a semi-extended way home. I stopped by Strafford Farms, it's the first time we've eaten at the take out in about 6 years. The weather was perfect, it was in the evening and it had started to cool down nicely. OK, I lied, I'm the one who ate, my wife claimed she wasn't hungry, didn't order anything, then picked at my food. It is kind of a "wife thing".

Friday, July 10, 2009

Bags ready

Jul 10 - Bags ready, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Tomorrow my oldest & I are heading out on an all day motorcycle ride. The main goal is to hit the University of Maine, Farmington campus. We aren't getting an official tour, we are simply going to walk around the campus and check it out, have a lunch, etc. It is also the first weekend with no rain and no baseball or cub scout commitment for the past 6 or so weeks. It will be the longest ride for me this season and the longest ride for her ever. Tomorrow I find out if I need to junk my stock bike seat and go with a Day Long Saddle.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Jun 08 - Nice Ride

Jun 08 - Nice Ride, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Just about any day is a good day for a ride, but tonight was great. I found myself with no work or family commitments and nice weather to boot. I checked the Maine and NH Tags, and found that the NH Tag was achievable. It is a game that is basically an excuse to ride somewhere. One per state (some states have many different tags going on at once). You have to find the current tag and take a photo of your bike and the location for proof. You now own the tag and are responsible for moving it. People jump all over you if you drag your feet. I moved it East and already posted the new tag. I am trying to help out some of my local Tag buddies. I took this on the ride home, just outside of Dover, NH. Yes, I am moving in this shot.

Jun 08 - Nice Ride

Jun 08 - Nice Ride, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Just about any day is a good day for a ride, but tonight was great. I found myself with no work or family commitments and nice weather to boot. I checked the Maine and NH Tags, and found that the NH Tag was achievable. It is a game that is basically an excuse to ride somewhere. One per state (some states have many different tags going on at once). You have to find the current tag and take a photo of your bike and the location for proof. You now own the tag and are responsible for moving it. People jump all over you if you drag your feet. I moved it East and already posted the new tag. I am trying to help out some of my local Tag buddies. I took this on the ride home, just outside of Dover, NH. Yes, I am moving in this shot.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 24 - No points, just cute pigs

It took us quite some time to double back to get these pig vehicles. Off Route 5 in Limerick, ME. I am using this for today's PaD, not sure any other photo I take could possibly top this. Notice the duck off to the left in the background. The title reflects the fact that my oldest & I were out riding this morning and doing a Treasure Hunt. You collect points for photos of various things that you find, as long as you are on your bike and have your bike in the photo (it is an excuse to get out and ride). There should be 100 points awarded per "Pig car" that you locate on your ride.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Special Delivery

May 20 Special Delivery, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

No, I am not delivering this in person. I sold my old OEM topcase and need to ship it out UPS tomorrow. A couple of large bungee straps and it is good and secure. Makes for a very nice backrest too. I've not driven a car into work since the 2nd of March and I'm not about to start to until winter.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 16 - Bikers

May 16 - Bikers, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

My daughter & I on the bike in front of my parent's store. My daughter is sporting her new pink jacket & gloves that we picked up at Rochester Motorsports (one of our destinations for today). The LX3 didn't do a good job with my Orange glow jacket. We were getting ready to leave and my mom wanted to snap a photo (from her cell phone). I always have the LX3 in my tank bag, so I decided to take one of us too. If you look in my sunglasses, you can see my mom's reflection in my left eye.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13 - National Register of Historic Places

Plaque that sits in front of what is left of the old "Conway Junction Station" turntable. It is also known as "Brock's Crossing", though I don't know why. My oldest daughter & I did a report on this when she was in 2nd grade. This was my first experience with expectations of young children and school reports. I went a little overboard, learned my lesson, and backed way off after that. However, I did contact the Walker Transportation Collection (they have a lot of Boston & Maine stuff) and got a lot of photos and maps of the old station. This is just around the corner from our house, I'd always thought it was a jail until that research project. It's starting to get overgrown now, there is a swamp complete with swamp-related grasses and brush growing out of the center of it now.

(This is my Maine Tag Entry today)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 07 - Riding Boots

May 07 Riding Boots, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

These are my riding boots. Technically they are the last pair of combat boots that were issued to me just before getting out of the Air National Guard in '99. They sat unused for a number of years, waiting for just the right motorcycle to come along. I started using them last fall in September, they took a few days to break in (as opposed to a few hours back in boot camp) and took a few hours to get water resistant (bee's wax). They leak quite well in a steady downpour, but work good enough for me for now. A new pair of riding boots is not cheap. This shot was taken up and close with my UWA, the toe of the boot in the foreground is actually too close and thus soft. I'm shooting wide open too, so there is a narrow Depth of Field to begin with. I just noticed that the inside soles are a bit worn, most likely from dragging my feet a bit at stops and starts.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Apr 25 - Restin by the songo river queen

Took advantage of this premature hot day and headed out for a motorcycle ride this afternoon. The Songo River Queen (II) is still wrapped up in the black tarp behind us. We are sitting on the boardwalk in Naples, Maine, approximately 70 miles into our trip. My wife's not a huge biker chick, so I have to entice her to go. For day trips its a nice dinner (we ate at the Muddy Rudder in Yarmouth, Maine). For overnight trips, I have to book us at B&B's. We are Sans Gear here, though I am still wearing my riding pants (I don't normally wear suspenders). There were not a whole lot of bikers out today who practice "ATGATT" (All The Gear All The Time). We wound up doing 160 miles today, which isn't a whole lot of riding, but pretty nice for an April day. I am trying to work her up to some nice long riding days in hopes of touring Nova Scotia this year.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Photobiker, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

This might become my avatar for some board somewhere. I need one with my gear more evident in the foreground. As it is, it looks like my Manfrotto MF-3 is holding my VStrom up (it isn't).

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Apr 09 - 22222, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

I wasn't actually planning on this as a semi-Self Portrait, but my helmet & camera are in the reflection off the bezel. If you look close enough, you can see that my riding gloves are still on for this shot. I was able to get the LX3 out of the tank bag, opened up, and shoot all without removing any riding gear at all. So the main point of this shot is the odometer though, I am just shy of 1,000 miles this season. If I do the rate that I intend to this year, I should see 33333 right at the end of this riding season (November/December).

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mar 14 - Decaying

Mar 14 - Decaying, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Even though it is weekend, I still found myself on the Tradeport for my PaD. My oldest & I were in the area and noticed a very beautiful sunset as we were getting into the car to leave. I realized that the sunset would be gone by the time I got to a spot where I could actually capture it. I tried anyway, had to get onto the Tradeport, when I realized it wasn't going to happen, I decided to catch some of the yellow/orange tones from what was left of the sunset. I find it fitting that I converted the image to Black & White & then added some split toning (so it's a Quad tone now) effectively removing the natural coloring. This is part of a wall on a building right beside the flightline. It has not been in use since the base closed, there are bushes growing out of it and birds living in it (according to my daughter who saw birds flying into a hole in one side of the wall of this building).

Friday, March 13, 2009

Mar 13 - More than Fore

Mar 13 - More than Four, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

From a distance, I thought these were golf carts, though I should have known better. I was driving into work and hadn't found anything to shoot. I saw what I imagined to be golf carts off in the distance on the Pease Golf Course (so there is a good reason for me to think they were golf carts). As I got closer, I realized what they were (and was reminded that the golf carts are secured in a fenced in area). The picnic tables were still interesting enough to make the PaD though.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mar 12 - Upstanding

Mar 12 - Upstanding, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Had to take a different way into work today to find something interesting to shoot. I left my snow boots at home thinking I wouldn't be doing any trekking around. I got lucky here as the ground was still frozen and there was no snow to traipse through to reach these lines from the road. I imagine there were a lot of morning commuters trying to figure out what the heck I was doing near these poles. Big honkin iron things shot with a very Wide Angle lens. I had no filters on the lens, the inconsistent blue sky is natural (due mostly to the inconsistent exposure across such a large field of view.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mar 11 - Down the road

Mar 11 - Down the road, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

For some reason, this morning I just wasn't feeling it. I worked pretty late last night, I wasn't feeling so hot this morning, and it was raining out. I told myself a little lie that I would skip out at lunch and find something to shoot. At 3ish, I was able to nuke a quick lunch and return to my desk before heading into a long meeting. I skipped out with some sunlight still left but no idea what to shoot. It all worked out though, while riding out to the flightline, I spied this stretch of road (the flightline is off to camera left) and was able to pull over, setup the tripod, and grab a number of shots from this angle and from right on the double yellow lines. A car finally showed up as I was packing up. As I was driving away, the available light dropped to render this scene only a memory (but captured on Digital).

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mar 10 - Blocked

Mar 10 - Blocked, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

And to think, I was actually pulling into this used car dealer's lot to turn around and head back to shoot some snow covered pine trees. While pulling through the lot, I did a double-take when I saw this old camaflauged vehicle. The best part was the fact that this truck was beside and slightly behind the dealer's building so I was able to pull over, grab my camera and have unfettered shooting access without getting bothered ("Can I help you?"). Technically, he could have helped me if he had a reflector to get a tad bit more light on this side panel. ;-)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mar 09 - Tell me this is a dream

Yesterday I was riding around on my motorcycle, welcoming in the new riding season. I'd expected to ride in this morning to work. I don't follow the news or weather. I don't usually have time to watch TV. While the snow we received this morning was beautiful, I'd have enjoyed a ride in a lot more. At this point in the season, however, this snow will simply not last long. (At least, that is the hope).

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mar 08 - Bike season

Mar 08 - Bike season, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

I was able to chisel away a large enough pathway through the ice on the driveway to official open biking season. I took the Harley out for a spin, mostly to start working through the Sta-bil in the tank. The VStrom started right up, no real need to prep it, though I will go lube the chain after posting this. I took about 100 photos from about 5 different angles to arrive at this shot. I didn't realize it would be so time-consuming. . .

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mar 07 - Ice Fishing

Mar 07 - Ice Fishing, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

The ice is still about 18" thick, but with temps reaching 60 degrees (F) today, we had to slosh through about 3 inches of water and slush. Spring is almost here. From this photo, it doesn't look safe or wise to be out on the ice today. It was very safe, not sure about the 'wise' part though ;-) The Cub Scouts had a blast baiting the hooks then rushing off to go sledding (that whole patience part won't kick in for another few years). My son only popped out onto the ice in the final 15 minutes that we were there, he managed to become entirely soaked sledding down the slush and mud hill.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Mar 06 - Me

Mar 06 - Me, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Better known as "this is what happens when you use your camera at work for work stuff and leave the CF card in your laptop which is still at work with all your intended PaD potential images from this morning on it". It gave me a great chance to set up my studio (black duck cloth background, my special flash reflector, flash stand, tripod, camera, and other stuff that gets in the way). I also got a chance to drop into PS CS4 to adjust the black levels of the background since some of the wrinkles from the fabric made their way into the image.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mar 05 - Wide angle crane

Mar 05 - Wide angle crane, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Something for an UWA lens. I was amazed at how close I had to get to this crane for this shot. The Tokina is nice and wide. I have the B+W CPL on the front of the Tokina, I didn't see the exposure difference in the sky until just now, during Post-processing. I had read comments about a CPL on an Ultra Wide Lens but never really thought about it. This sky shot is after applying an aggressive gradient filter in Lightroom.

Speaking of Lightroom, I applied the 2.3 patch the other day. Today was the first time I'd tried Localized Edits in 2.3. There is a very noticeable improvement. I can now say that Localized Edits are very usable in Lightroom.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mar 04 - Urban Scene

Mar 04 - Urban Scene, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

I have seen this fire escape a number of times when driving through Portsmouth. Today it marked my "Point of no return" for the morning PaD. I mentally dialed this shot in as my final choice. It was a bland morning, more for me than anything else, technically I could have stopped and captured any number of things along the way, but nothing really worked for me this morning. Photography is like golf, a lot of it is mental (and I am arguably mental ;-)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mar 03 - Sign of the times

Mar 03 - Sign of the times, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

I've been to this stand a few times in the past 6 months or so. This sign is on top of the roof of the stand, I am hand holding the camera for this shot and NOT extending the camera above my head. There is a snow bank that I am standing on (out of frame) that puts my eyes about level with the "Farm Stand" lettering. I used the Tokina up close for this one, I should have gotten a little closer as I had to crop out a chunk of the left side (there was as car in a snow bank that didn't contribute to this at all). I'm not too pysched about the grey skies, but there isn't much I can do about the weather (except wait).

Monday, March 2, 2009

Mar 02 - Clearing the driveway

My old faithful Wheel Horse C-120 garden tractor with snowblower attachment. I have the 42" mower deck and the straight blade attachment (for use a a plow) for this tractor. I believe this tractor is circa 1974. It gets a lot of attention when I mention it at the local small engine repair (I go in for parts once a year or so). It just came back from service a couple of weeks ago, it got a carb rebuild & the snow chute was repaired (now I can control direction without getting off the tractor). The snowblower is a single stage, with the throttle on full, power to wheels set to Lo (directing most of the power to the PTO) this thing will throw some snow. You can barely make out the spruce tree to the right (it is about 15 feet from the tractor). Had I thought about it, I would have used a wider angle lens to get the full snow stream.

As this IS a Self-Portrait, I have to provide some details.

I set the camera on my Tripod (Bogen 055MF3, Culman Head, RRS QR Plates). Portrait orientation (RRS makes this easy). I have this Chinese Knockoff Timer Remote Cable called "Aputure". It allows me to set a Delay (The amount of time before firing starts), a shutter release value (which is meaningless on the camera if I have anything but "B" for Bulb set), an interval timer (the time between shots), and a counter (the number of shots).

For this shot, I set the delay to 20 seconds, that was enough time for me to get onto the tractor and moving forward into proper frame. I left the shutter release value set to 0, an interval of 4 seconds (between shots), and a counter of 20. One pretty cool feature on this timer (and the camera in general) is that with Autofocus on, the AF will lock on for each shutter press. This kept my back in focus when I was in front of the center AF point (You can set any AF point in the camera the center provided the most coverage for this shot).

The camera and lens was well-protected in my garage, I put the lens hood on to minimize any errant snow-flakes (or salt) from inflicting optical harm.

I've always wanted to get a shot of me on the tractor, I'm glad I did this!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mar 01 - A Good Book

Mar 01 - A Good Book, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

My daughter enthralled in a book this snowy afternoon.

Today has been declared a "lazy day". No swim lessons, no running around for various groceries & household goods & no shoveling the driveway (at least until later this evening).

It was also a "No driving around looking for my PaD photo day". This just meant that I had to seek opportunities here at home.

It has been snowing on and off all afternoon, so far there has been very little accumulation. I guess we will have to wait until April to determine if March came in like a Lamb or a Lion.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Feb 28 - On the dock

Feb 28 - On the dock, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

I don't do a lot of Candids. There is something about this shot that I really like out of all the shots I took today on a "Portsmouth Shoot" with Erik, a fellow (and local) Flickr photographer. The shot is taken in Portsmouth on the North Pier, the machinery (crane) is in Maine, part of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.

There are lots more photos from today's shoot in my Flickr Gallery.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Feb 27 - St Johns at 11mm

Feb 27 - St Johns at 11mm, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

I drove around Portsmouth a couple of times before I was able to figure how to park in front of St John's. It's a good thing I've been doing my PaD shoots in the AM (before 9am) as I had to stand in the street to take this kind of shot of the church. I would be listening for the sound of an oncoming car (luckily traffic is one way in front of the church) so that I could avoid getting splattered.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Feb 26 - Hull

Feb 26 - Hull, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Not what I intended to shoot, it was actually just behind what I intended to shoot. This boat kept getting into frame, it was either this or a farm implement on the other side. It was an interesting test of my new (to me) Tokina 11-16 f/2.8. I had to get up real close to this hull for this shot (and it is cropped at that).

This is right on my way to work, a relatively major road for our area. After I arrived at work, a coworker asked if I normally go walk around old boats and trucks (the truck is what I intended to shoot) in the morning with my camera. My answer was "yes", though I am not limited to boats and trucks.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Feb 25 - Danger

Feb 25 - Danger, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Some equipment from the line crews. I don't think these will be here much longer so I snagged a photo of part of them this morning ;-) And, yes that is an accurate orangish-red color.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Feb 24 - Just a road

Just a road, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Its just a road. There is nothing on this road (short though it may be), no houses, no signs, no people. Funny that there are also no potholes. . .

That's it, just a simple post today.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Feb 23 - Sidewalk

Sidewalk, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

So my photo for today's blog is NOT simply a mirror of my PBase & Flickr PaDs. While I was out shooting this morning, I simply had to capture this sidewalk. Technically I was walking back to my car (just out of frame up on the right) from shooting a church (to this shot's right, also out of frame). What isn't so apparent is the sheer slipperiness of this sidewalk. We had a heck of a storm last night, it started as a rain storm then turned to freezing rain then snow as the temps dropped. This left a base of slush that froze over beneath the snow. Driving just plain sucked, riding on a pocked and pitted dirt road would have been smoother.

Hindsight is always 20/20, looking back at this photo, I wish I'd been a little more conscious of where I was when taking this photo. I should have been over to the left a little more. A person or two out and about would have been nice also.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Feb 22 - Swimming's Done

Feb 22 Swimming's Done, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Photo of my son after his last swim lesson (for this session). I was able to utilze his modeling services for all of 45 seconds this afternoon. After that, his patience wore thin.

I have the flash off camera, sitting in the bleachers behind me to the left. He is looking at a point between the flash and myself. It isn't that bad for a single bare 580EX-2.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Feb 21 - The Trainyard

Feb 21 The Trainyard, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

I 'd never actually been to the train yard in Dover (NH) before. It isn't a huge trainyard, it is basically a couple of parallel tracks and a muddy parking area. But, it is very interesting, lots of things to photograph. These tank cars were lined up and just sitting there, waiting for someone to photograph them. There was another train on the other side of it that began to move while I was out there. I expected to be shooed away while I was out there with all my photographic gear, but there was no one in the actual yard, per se. The crew had already boarded the freight train.

I actually found this area (yard) on google maps a few weeks ago and made a mental note to check it out. Google maps rocks, I've lived in this area for pretty much all my life and never knew about areas like this. I've been able to scope out some interesting locations by just 'browsing' through maps (Satellite view).

Friday, February 20, 2009

Feb 20 - Slick Road

Feb 20 - Slick Road, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

We got some snowfall last night that was completely unexpected. The roads this morning were a little slick. I tend to see cars off the road around two times in the winter.

The first time is the first snowfall, drivers have forgotten what it is like to ride in the snow and take their minds off the road for a split second and wind up in a ditch the next moment.

The other time I see this is right towards the end of winter, like the last or next to last snowfall. Especially after we've had some very nice weather. Last week we had great weather, we had a weekend of 40's and 50's lead into a nice warm[er] week. I was able to get 90% of my driveway cleared, most of the ice had been chipped and/or melted away. Roads widened as the snowbanks melted. We all felt like it was spring. Then this morning, we were reminded that we live in New England.

A lot of us, myself included, didn't think anything of the snow until we saw this car off the road, then we paid a little more attention to the road. I want to thank this guy (or gal, there was no occupant when I pulled over) for reminding me that the roads were slick.

It's easy to make light of this situation now as I am from and was in Maine when I took this shot, the car had New Hampshire license plates, that state is so much further south, they have better weather ;-)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feb 19 - Just before the fall

This old condemned building beside the pier at Prescott park is literally on its last legs (it's not even touching the post in the foreground). I imagine I will come by some day to find that a quarter of it has slid into the river (or more). It was raining out this morning as I was taking this photo (the rest of the photos got canned).

I really like the tones in this photo and believe I might have to come back to retake this photo when the weather is better, I can try a better composition.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Feb 18 - All for a bag of chips

I took a different route this morning through Kittery, Maine and came across this scene. It was quite the event, police directing traffic from three directions. I swung around after realizing that Tody's PaD had found me. While I was walking around snapping photos, the driver (in this photo on the right) shouted to me "All for a bag of chips". (He explained he was reaching over for a bag of chips that fell under the seat) He perked up and was quite chipper with me when he thought he was going to make the paper. After I explained what I did, he looked confused (I get that a lot).

Just as I was packing up, this cruiser pulled up beside me presenting this particular vantage point. I couldn't pass it up.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feb 17 - Concrete Example

Feb 17 - Concrete Example, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

Quick one today:

Here is a concrete example of a vignette.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Feb 16 - Frothy

Feb 16 - Frothy, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

I snuck out of the house this afternoon to take some photos and stumbled on a path beside the Salmon Falls river in Somersworth. The river has started to show itself, working it way through the ice and snow. This is the perfect time for some long exposures as the snow and ice provides for a great surface for me to walk and set my equipment on.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Feb 15 - Weathered and Worn

Feb 15 - Weathered and Worn, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

The side of this barn has seen its better days. I noticed this while driving this afternoon (the barn, that is) and caught it on our way home. It was the weathered look that caught my eye, I knew it was worn, but didn't realize the door was just resting on the side of the barn. While Post Processing, I noticed the track was about a foot higher than the door, there are missing boards, and there are some extremely rotted (possibly burnt) boards further to the right (out of frame). I love the colors.

If I could do it over again, I'd push the ISO up and open the aperture up to f/8.0 as it's a tad soft on the edges.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Feb 14 - Winter Thaw

Winter Thaw, originally uploaded by DamnBeavers.

The river in downtown Dover has begun its thaw. I had a few minutes while waiting for my daughter to change while I was at the pool, to get a few shots in.